October 30, 2012

Happy Birthday, Daddy!!!

This day of the year is one of the most special days in my life and will always be; today's my daddy's birthday. Yes, that's right, I said Daddy. I don't care how old or "grown up" I get. I will always be a Daddy's Girl. He isn't my father, not even my dad. He has ALWAYS been and will always be my Daddy. And today is his birthday!

We always speak about mom, how much she cares and how much pain she takes right from giving birth to us but there is a MAN who always supports us and the entire family without saying a word and with least expectations of recognition, 'DAD'.

The chemistry between me and my dad has always been like a bestfriend. He's my everywhere and everything buddy. :) You were the first man I loved, and the one I compare all others too. Your support and guidance have helped mold me into the person I am today; he has done so so so much.

I LOVE YOU, DADDY!! I'm sorry for being such a naughty daughter, especially on my bad driving skills and multitasking while driving. Sorry for being "pasaway" kid sometimes. Hihihi :P I never told you how much I love you and care about you but I want to take this opportunity and through this blog I wanna say YOU are my hero and no one on this earth can ever take your place in my life. 
LEFT: "PAST" I was about 5yrs.old. RIGHT: Me & daddy today! :)
I wish you the HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DADDY!! :)) Thank you for all that you do, and all that you are.

October 28, 2012

Just an Encouragement

Do you find it hard reaching your dreams? Your likes? Your wants? Are you tired of waiting for miracles to happen? Or perhaps are you losing hope? LIFE may seem sooo hard, a long roller coaster ride and different but please.....NEVER GIVE UP!! You know, reality is, you won't meet all your goals, or do what you want to achieve right when you want to. Sometimes other forces get in the way, or it was just not your time to shine. It happens! And I'm here to tell you.....IT DOESN'T MATTER. 
That's right. It doesn't matter. It's about how you play the game and how you use your focus. When you look back on your life, what will you say? "I tried." or "I gave up." I know being OPTIMIST all the time is hard when life become unfair -- that same thing happens over and over again. But remember no matter shitty and crazy our life is, it is what it is. Keep working! Keep trying! Keep moving and don't stop! The only true failure is when you stop. We should know how to deal with it, make difference and permit yourself to look beyond the brighter side of your life. Just KEEP FIGTHING!!!
"Win as if you were used to it, Lose as if you enjoyed it for a change."

October 23, 2012

This season's frequently asked questions

I haven't updated my blog lately...I have so many things in my mind to write about that actually piles up in my subconscious mind. I'm sooo sorry I'm just too busy studying for my boards! My schedule is too jam-packed. No off days yet! :( Anyway, at this moment I'll just give my brain cells a short break from all the info's and medical terms I had this day! LOADED! So for now, I will share a little boring ramblings in this post! WAARNING!! Haha

Still want??!! Please continue reading.

Since, I've been receiving too many invites and coffee dates from cousins, bestfriends, college barkada and ex-officemates this post is kinda connected with it. However, I feel sooo loved and appreciated all their simple "Hi!", "Hello", "How are you?" and "I miss you!" they say, texted or tweeted me. :) If only I can slice myself into many 'cai's' to meet and see all of them...Hayyyyy!!

Recently, people have been asking me a lot of questions about everything - my life, thoughts and opinions. Or rather some questions I ask myself too. Sooo...this fearless post is dedicated to all those who love me and to those who simple want a juicy scoop of my life. I thought to give it a shot!! *wink*

1. How are you?
   I'm always alive and kicking. I don't think I have to narrate here what happened in my everyday life in detail. Haha. I've been receiving this question almost every day....Up to this day, I have the same answer: "I'm okay, I'm good and always feel better than yesterday." I have been practicing stupidity quite a lot so I think it's healthy for me if I lessen stupidity and actually start being wise.

2. How do you feel right now?
   I don't know if something's wrong with this question and...I don't think I could answer this correctly. Anyway, I feel happy and love to be loved. I'm surrounded by a lot of people who truly love me and truly care for me. I must be really lucky...or I should I say blessed. Another answer could be "I feel tired sometimes...but I need to keep going." Well, you can also add, "I feel a roller coaster of emotions" to my list of answers.

3. So, what are you planning to do now? 
   Of course, to achieve my goal!! :) I know I can do this! Go on with my life and be a better person. Live my life to the fullest and enjoy what I have. Is there any other thing I could do better than that??

4. Are you happy?
   Yezzzzzz, I am!! But, I am not TOTALLY happy...Not yet! Too many things to do and to think about. Ask me again tomorrow. Hehe

5. Are you dating someone right now?
   My lola and aunt always ask me this every time I go visit her! She never fails to ask this question even though I always have the same answer to her. NOOOOO. There are those who asked me out. There was a brave soul who asked me if he could court me. I appreciate his feelings. Well, I am not closing doors. I'm a hopeless romantic and I have courage to trust love. But hey...at this moment I am not yet ready for that. Not now! I he could wait...Let's see! :) As of the moment, I wanna date myself exclusively.  You know, ME time. I have to earn something for myself first. Just like the saying, "Need to learn how to love yourself first before you love someone else." :)

6. What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
   Secret? Oh no no, but that would be kindness and just being yourself. It goes along the way. That, and listening I think.

7. How would you live your life differently?
   Take more risks! Put up with less crap from the negative people I have had in my life and get out and about in the world to experience it more.

8. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?
    Not always, but I try to be. Life's a bitch and sometimes, so am I! 

9. What are you most grateful for?
    A great family and a continually developing network of good friends.

10. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?
     Easily more work that I actually enjoy. Who doesn't? Believe me, being happily busy is the ideal in the workplace!

11. Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?
     A bit of both.

12. What motivates you?
      I really struggle to answer this one -- I guess deep down it's a 'need' to live the best life I possibly can and experience everything I can.

Life should simply be lived. Uncomplicated and fuss-free. There are a whole lot more important things to explore, try and achieve. We should live life with ounces of positivity. Less bickering. More acts of kindness.

I've thoroughly enjoyed considering questions and creating relevant answers. But, you know, Time! Time! Time! If in any case another question pops out, I'll edit this post and answer it. :) 

October 12, 2012


So, as some of you know, this is one of those things a bunch of people are doing on Facebook notes and lately, become one of the'trending topics' on twitter. I can't sleep yet, so I decided to ride on this Twitter trending hashtag #50factsaboutme. Listing 50 useless, random facts about myself that no one actually cares about. I haven't blogged in a while, so I decided to come up with 50 facts about me. I made few months ago, HERE. This will be a challenge because I'm not all that interesting. Or at least I don't think I am. While I managed to resist literally sending/flooding 50 tweets with facts about myself, I started thinking this might be a fun topic for a blog post. 


Then, keep reading!! ^-^

  1. I'm kind of an emotional roller-coaster.
  2. I'm a daddy's girl.
  3. I can't remember a time of my life without a pet. Or pets.
  4. I started writing journals/diary at a young age. It's what I've wanted to do.
  5. I think I am a better writer when I am reading.
  6. I love anything and everything related to Starbucks.
  7. I am completely a dog person.
  8. Big sleeper. My bed is my comfort zone. Who doesn't?! You cannot disturb me when I am with my bed. It's my rule. Unless, it's important. Haha 
  9. I am a people person but always need some time alone.
  10. I love driving. Sometimes, I love seeing mad men drivers having a bad moment caused by my bad driving skills. Weird me!! Hehe 
  11. I've never been out of the country. But, I hope someday I will.
  12. Smiling is my therapy. If I don't smile even for a day. I feel stripped.
  13. I used to take gymnastics lesson when I was 5 years old. I remember how flexible I am by that time. Haha I wish I had continued.
  14. I cry. A lot. Sometimes even during particularly emotional commercial or movies. Or just ones that I find particularly emotional.
  15. Chocolates is my weakness. Sweets, I must say.
  16. I didn't really learn how to laundry until last year when I used to stay in the condo for three months.
  17. I still don't really know how to cook.
  18. I love cloudy days and cool weather.
  19. I'm actually kind of neat freak. It just...comes and goes.
  20. Puppies make my heart smile.
  21. I share my bed with my dog. I've had a dog that was 'mine'. An Apricot Toy Poodle named chichi. She is capable of taking up the entire bed. Like a boss.
  22. Whenever I am down and have things to think about I go out for a walk then eat anything.
  23. Music is a huge part of my life. It can cheer me up, or facilitate fits of crying, or make me feel like a total badass, or make me hunger for adventure, or make me feel nostalgic, or...Well, you get the idea.
  24. I have a serious fetish for clothes, shoes and bags.
  25. The thesaurus is my best friend when I'm writing.
  26. I sing like a maniac in  my car. That's when I'm all alone. It makes me feel like a rockstar, even when I can't hit all the notes.
  27. It drives me crazy when I can't think of the word or expression to describe how I feel.
  28. When I'm enjoying myself, I can be in a place for hours. But when I get antsy, I will find a way to escape and entertain myself elsewhere.
  29. I have a ghostly pale skin. That's what's people describing about.
  30. Jeans and shorts are my favorite thing to wear.
  31. I'm actually quite shy most of the time.
  32. I loved to exercise and have jogging early morning when I have time. Because otherwise I wouldn't able to eat sooo much food I want. :P
  33. Starbucks and CBTL. My all-time favorite place to get coffee. Particularly, Frappuccinos. Also, my favorite place to go sit with myself and chat with friends and family.
  34. I dislike people who always rant about life because I believe in positivity. I always want the feeling of being blessed and encouraged.
  35. Crunchy peanut butter and Nutella, a winner every time!!!
  36. People always think I'm younger than my real age.
  37. I love photography and travelling. If they will offer me a job that will require me to travel and take photos with all expenses paid, even they will not provide a salary, I will SURELY go for it. :))
  38. I'm frightened with those children asking for alms in the streets. But, I have nothing against them. 
  39. I admire and love my Mom and Dad, they are the best and awesomest parents in the worlds for me. :D
  40. I tweet but I'm not a twitterwhore. Believe me. Haha
  41. I am more of a listener than a speaker.
  42. Math is not my thing. We are not friends with numbers, that is for sure. 
  43. Movies/films are my bestfriends. They also keep me sane.
  44. I am hooked to TV series like Grey's Anatomy, The Vampire Diaries, Walking Dead and etc.
  45. Prayer is my weapon...when I am weak, insecure, sad, scared, depress, confused, tempted, discouraged, sick, stressed, and feeling empty. TRUST ME, IT ALWAYS WORKS!!!
  46. I can easily forgive someone at fault. And saying I am sorry if I am at fault, isn't too hard for me to express. 
  47. I really enjoy going to the bookstores finding some good reads. I love reading books, doesn't matter whether it's fictional or factual; the more info the better.
  48. I have two sides to my personality and many sub-characters that make me who I am.
  49. I am kind of embarrassed that I'm sharing some of these things, now that I think about it.
  50. I love you my very best readers/viewers. :* 
Hey, look!!! I think that would be all for now. Maybe you can also share your own version of the '50factsaboutme' and post it here.  

October 7, 2012

Pamper day at Nail-a-holics

Because I'm an on-the-go-lass, my mom ask me if I want to go with her to Megamall before I go home after my review. Of course, I say YES! My mom likes getting pampered. And since I'm a fan of being pampered, we had already agreed to get our nails done. It's been more than a month since my last mani-pedi. After having our early dinner, we searched for a nail salon and stumbled upon Nail-a-holics Nail Salon and Spa in SM Megamall. After a week of wanting to have my nails done, I finally had time to visit a Nail Salon. It was my first time to try this nail salon because I usually had mine cleaned and pampered at home by a family friend of ours.
I availed of their Serene Island Manicure while my mom got the Palm Beach Pedicure and footspa. All the methods done were the familiar mani/pedi. Great nail techs as expected. I love how attentive the nail techs were despite the number of clients they were servicing. Often, when I looked inside of salon, they are jampacked with people. It's great to know that service isn't compromised despite the number of clients. Here the services to choose from:
Nail-a-holics Menu and branches
I had my nails painted with Royal Plum. I loved perfect clean nails! I sooooo loved the color of nails. :))
The place is really wonderful to spend a few hours in. The interior is quite amazing. I loved the super comfy couches and the chandeliers for lighting. I'm am quite relaxed throughout the whole procedure. It's nice to know that after a tiring day I have something like Nail-a-holics to give a relaxing, home-y ambiance. It's great that Nail-a-holics is situated in different popular malls around the metro.
The comfy couches
Speaking for myself, I think it was one of the best nail pampering experiences I've ever had. Well it should be. It didn't come cheap. But it was all worth it even I don't used my own money for this. Thanks to mommy for my pamper treat!! Happy kid here!! :)) Our nail techs was very thorough and careful when they cleaned our nails. There was no unwanted wounding or unsolicited bleeding. Most important thing is that she always asked if she was hurting me and she let me inspect my nails is she missed a spot. 
Hands being soaked
Different color Orly nail polish to choose from
I highly recommend this nail salon if you have extra money to shed. It maybe pricier than most nail salons but the service is great. You won't feel cheated out of your well earned bucks. They also have WiFi. I really had a wonderful time being pampered, I am sure to come back to Nail-a-holics because I was satisfied with the service and it is so affordable to be so pampered. The staff are accommodating and friendly and their locations are so convenient because they have so many branches. I am sure to go back and try more!! :))


No, this is not going to be a serious, witty, lawful post about the Cyber Crime Law. It's just that it has caused so much clamour that I thought that it would be worth a few words or maybe more. But, this issue is so depressing and disappointing. I have a little theory on why it has been a big issue to many, particularly to our generation. I know that it has its own advantages but when it comes to its disadvantages, it may lead to asking you, "What's the use of the internet now?".

Republic Act 10175 was approved by PNOY last September 12, 2012. This new Cyber Crime had take effect last October 3, 2012 and facing a lot of protest including from netizens. Hash tag #NoToCyberCrimeLaw become a trending on Twitter in our country and worldwide. It aims to fight online pornography, hacking, identity theft, and spamming following local law enforcement agencies' complaints over the lack of legal tools to combat cybercrime.

However, the law came with tougher legal penalties. It also allows authorities to collect data from personal users accounts on social media and listen in on voice and video applications such as Skype, without a warrant. Users who post defamatory comments on Facebook or Twitter, could be sentenced to up 12 years in jail. Yeah! you aim to fight them. But to LIKE, to RETWEET, to SHARE, to REBLOG can cause us to go TO JAIL? Is it legal? C'mon people!! Common sense!!

I live in a democratic country. I was against SOPA and PIPA. This new law was implemented that silence the Filipino people's freedom of speech and expression and take down powers of DOJ to shut down websites finding violation of law even without a court order. 

I'm not scared to fight against it because of the following reasons. First, I know that those who favored the Cyber Crime Law obviously passed it and majority of them is because one's ego is bruised, then the whole make amends for it. We are all aware that it's a result of a Senator who PLAGIARIZED and LIED in front of the public. We all know about his plagiarism issue, but lying? Yes, he did! This Senator actually denied putting the libel part, but later admitted about it. Secondly, it saddens me, no it upsets me because now we faced with Cyber Martial Law because of the Cyber Crime Prevention Act violates the right to free speech. We want to be free from the shackles of dictatorship. Good thing that many netizens are against it. Sad though, it's what the past leaders/heroes were fighting for but now WE GET THIS!!! Lastly, this is probably a rant. This law is UNJUST, UNFAIR and VAGUE and has TOO MANY FLAWS
Photo shared by Ami Evangelista Swanepoel 
Petitions were filed and still we are not heard. We TWEETED, we BLOGGED, we changed our profile pics to black and still, the Government, our Government shunned our voices. Just a COMMENT, LIKE, RETWEETS or any form of intellectual criticisms or opinions from us can get us into jail. I f ever I get imprisoned, I will be there for 6-12 years. Any opinion, good or bad, can be thought as a libel. How could you, President Noynoy sign this bill??? 

We shall not silenced. We will fight and we will take what is rightfully ours. Now the Yellow ribbon that signifies freedom is wrapped around our faces. What happened to the YELLOW RIBBON??!! Isn't suppose to fight for FREEDOM?! I don't know what to say anymore but our GOVERNMENT is just TOO MUCH!! FREEDOM IS EVERYTHING.....EVERYTHING IS FREEDOM!!! But, don't use FREEDOM just to attain your selfish needs. 
Photo shared by Filipino Community Page
Thank you to Sen TG Guingona for fighting with us. The following photo was posted from Sen. Guingona Facebook Page.
Anywayyyyss....Here are some recommended useful links for more info on the Cyber Crime Law and why you would fight for it:
Here's a short video from ANONYMOUS PHILIPPINES:
I hope this blog post would be a contribution to help people be aware as well as urge them to fight for their right. (P.S Hopefully, I shouldn't get any case or be in jail from sharing you this!! :P)