August 31, 2012

Date a Boy who Travels

Since this week is almost over! As the result of an overwhelming week, I urged each of you do something that you love! You may have read, "Date a Girl who Reads" by Rosemarie Urquico, so I thought I'd share you this article with same, same, but different in some level. Article is not mine! Just see this article while browsing the net, too interesting not to share. If you ever find yourself on this space, do know that this piece is just wonderful. Enjoy!!


Date a boy who travels. Date a boy who treasures experiences over toys, a hand-woven bracelet over a Rolex. Date the boy who scoffs when he hears the words, "vacation", "all-inclusive", or "resort". Date a boy who travels because he's not blinded by a single goal but enlivened by many.

You might find him in an airport or at a bookstore browsing the travel guides -- although he "only uses them for reference."

You'll know it's him because when you peek at his computer screen, his background will be a scenic splendor of rolling hills, mountains, or prayer flags. His Facebook friend count will be over-the-roof, and his wall will be plastered with broken English "miss you" of friends he met along the way. When he travels, he makes lifelong friends in an hour. And although contact with these friends is sporadic and may be far-between, his bonds are unmessable and if he wanted, he could couch surf the world.....again.

Buy him a beer, maybe the same brand that he wears on the singlet under his plaid shirt, unable to truly let go. Once a traveler gets home, people rarely listen to their stories. So listen to him. Allow him to paint a picture that brings you into his world. He might talk fast and miss small details because he's too excited to be heard. Bask in his enthusiasm. Want it for yourself.

He'll squeak like an excited toddler when his latest issue of National Geographic arrives in the mail. Then he'll grow quiet, engrossed, until he finishes his analysis of every photo, every adventure. In his mind, he'll insert himself in these pictures. He'll pass the issue on to you and grill you about your dreams and competitively ask about the craziest things you've ever done. Tell him. And know that he'll probably win. And if by chance you win, know that his next lot in life will be to out do you. But then he'll say, "Maybe we can do it together."

Date the boy who talks of distant places and whose hands have explored the stone relics of ancient civilizations and whose mind has imagined those hands carving, chiseling, painting the wonders of the world. And when he talks, it's as if he's reliving it with you. You can almost hear his heart racing. You can almost feel the adrenaline ramped up by the moment. You feel it passing through his synapsis, a feast to his eyes entering through those tiny oracles of experiences that we call pupils, digesting rapidly through his veins, manifesting into his nervous system, transforming and altering his worldview like a reverse trauma and finally passing, but forever changing the colors of his sight. You will want this too.

Date a boy who's lived out of a backpack he lives happily with less. A boy who's travelled has seen poverty and dined with those who live in small shanty's with no running water, and yet welcome strangers with greater hospitality than the rich. And because he's seen this, he's seen how a life without luxury can mean a life fueled by relationships and family, rather than a life that fuels fancy cars and ego. He's experienced different ways of being, respects alternative religions and he looks at the world with the eyes of a five-year-old, curious and hungry. Your dad will be happy too because he's good with money and knows how to budget.

This boy relishes home; the comfort of duvet, the safety stirred in a mom-cooked meal, the easy conversation of childhood friends, and the immaculate glory of the flush-toilet. Although fiercely independent, he has had time to reflect on himself and his relationships. Despite his wanderlust, he knows and appreciates his ties to home. He has had a chance to miss and be missed. Because of this, he also knows a thing or two about goodbyes. He knows the overwhelming uncertainty of leaving the comforts of home, the indefinite see-you-laters at the departure gates, and yet he fearlessly goes into the unknown because he knows the feeling of return. And that the I've-missed-you-hug is the best type of hug in the whole world. He also knows that goodbyes are just prolonged see-you-laters and that 'hello' is only as far away as the nearest internet cafe.

Don't hold onto this boy. Let this boy go and go with him. If you haven't travelled, he will open your eyes to a world beyond the news and popular deception. He will open your dreams to possibility and reality. He will calm your nerves when you're about to miss a flight or when your rental blows a flat, because he knows the journey is the adventure. He will make light of the unsavory noises you make when you - and you will - get food poisoning. He will make you laugh through the discomfort all while dabbing your forehead with a cold cloth and nursing you with a bottled water. He will make you feel like you're home.

When you see something beautiful, he will hold your hand in silence ,in the history of where his feet stand, and the fact that you're with him.

He will live in every moment with you, because this is how he lives his life. He understands that happiness is no more than a string of moments that displaces neutrality, and he is determined to tie as many of the strings together as he can. He also understands your need to live for yourself and that you have a bucket list of your own. Understand his. Understand that your goals may at some points differs, but that independence is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship when it's mutually respected. You may lose him for a bit, but he will always come home bearing a new story and a souvenir he picked up because it reminded him of you, like it was made for you and because he missed you. You might be compelled to do the same. Make sure that independence is on your bucket list, and make sure it's checked. Independence will keep your relationship fresh and exciting, and when you're together again it will forge a bond of unbreakable trust. 

He'll propose when you've breached your comfort-zone, whether it be a fear like skydiving or swimming with sharks, or sitting next to the smelly person on an overcrowded bus. It won't be with a diamond ring, but with a token from a native culture or inspired by nature, like the penguin and the pebble.

You will get married somewhere unassumed, surrounded by a select few, in a moment constructed to celebrate venturing into the unknown together again. Marry the boy who's travelled and together you will make the whole world your home. Your honeymoon will not be forgotten to a buffet dinner and all-you-can -drink beach bars, but will be remembered in the triumphant photographs at the top of Kilimanjaro and memorialized in the rewarding ache of muscles at the end of a long days hike.

When you're ready, you will have children that have the same names of the characters you met on your journeys, the foreign names of people who dug a special place in your heart if only for a few days. Perhaps you will live in another country, and your children will learn of language and customs that open their minds from the very start, leaving no room for prejudice. He will introduced them to the life of Hemingway, the journey of Santiago, and empower them to live even bigger than both of you.

Marry a boy who travels and he'll teach your children the beauty of a single stone, the history of the Incas and he will instill in them the bravery of possibility. He will explain to them that masking opportunity, there is fear. He will teach them to concur it. 

And when you're old, you'll sit with your grandchildren pouring over your photo albums and chest of worldly treasures, while they too insert themselves into your photographs, sparked by the beauty of the world and inspired by your life in it. 

Find a boy who travels because you deserve a life of adventure and possibility. You deserve to live light and embrace simplicity. You deserve to look at life through the eyes of youth and with your arms wide open. Because this is where you will find joy. And better, you will find joy together. And if you can't find him, travel. Go. Embrace it. Explore the world for yourself because dreams are the stuff reality is made from.

Source: Originally published here:
Date a boy who travels? But, really? You might not be impressed by casual clothes and backpack he always carry along. He might not have fancy, flashy cars bring you around, but behind the earnest, glowing smile and twinkling eyes, lies a curious mind that will want you to know. And if you find a GIRL or GUY who travels...I think she'll/he'll turn your world right side up. Holler if you've found your boy or girl! Lucky you! :) This is such a wonderful, beautiful written post. By reading this article it made people realize how lucky it is to travel the world. We travel because we love. We love this world. We love or friends. And we love ourselves enough to keep moving and experiencing all this planet has to offer. Sooo, looking forward to bumping into you one day, somewhere on a summery place of the globe! (or vice versa)

Fun-date with Friends

It's fun to be able to bond with friends. Chill out with them. Maybe go movies with them or shopping, or even drink with them.  These are some of the the things you and your friends do to mingle with each other. Especially when you just came from the stress all life gives you. 

I called it a lovely day! A day that I really can put my tonnes of stress and anxiety aside and don't have to think about them. Me and my craaazzzy friends meet to have some catching up then have lunch at Mcdo and watch movie, Amorosa. I don't usually watch a horror movie on big screen, since it was a movie treat of my friend I'll go for it. I braved the movie!! :) I'm sooo great!! Haha It was such an accomplishment in my side. :P Of course, a little chit-chat to deep talks will always be part of the list.

You know how it is when girls have their girl talk session. We talk anything under the sun, and we mostly talk about life, stress, guys, relationship and life plans.  

I know, my money flies but the bonding time I get with these people are priceless. A fun, bonding day it was. Thanks girls!! In the end, it works out because you are with your friends and that gives you some kind of super power moral support!
Me and Jen
Ivern and Zackie
Clockwise: Ivern, Zackie, Me and Jen

August 24, 2012

Milk Tea-rific #3: Chatime

Hello bloggers! Sorry for being lazy posting again. Been busy doing some stuffs and fixing things. But I already have a list of things to post for me to share it to you. But for the mean time let me just share to you my milk tea review no.3.

MILK TEA!! One of my favorite drinks nowadays! I always crave for one. 

My official introduction to the world of--hold on, I mean the wonderful world of milk tea was from Chatime. Tea and milk are two things poles apart in taste. But, when blended together, tastes amazing! It's just so damn good. I tried so many milk tea store out there but Chatime is really one of the best!
Good Tea, Good Time!
Chatime is founded in Taiwan on 2003 and as of March 2012 it has over 500 outlets in 15 countries and counting. Chatime (again, I need to be wittier! Haha!), the largest international milk tea brand would open its doors in Manila! True enough, with over 12 stores in the top malls all over the country, Chatime's pretty much gathered a loyal following in the milk-tea-loving crowd, ME INCLUDED!! :) I suddenly got giddy and a lot more fun than the images of relaxation and tea pots that we're used to. I'm just happy its family is expanding and more people are gaining awareness about its great flavors. Fine! it was a bit of an exaggeration but it definitely made me smile from one ear to the other. I must have had dozens of cups of Chatime milk tea already before I was finally able to write an entry about it.

Recently, in the Philippines there is a lot of milk tea outlets established wherever you go and a lot of people began to be curious about the taste then became crazy about the said beverage. Milk teas had been quite a fad food wise, sprouting like mushrooms all over the metro taking over the Starbucks culture and Chatime is one of the many milk tea company responsible for it. They have the variety of flavors that you can enjoy from plain milk tea to a flavored tea. Not only milk tea but they also offer fruit juices. It's your choice! Chatime uses freshly brewed tea infused with different natural flavors to make the best bubble tea drink in town! Here is a small peek of their menu:
Menu  from their Facebook page
Their menu is written in both English and Chinese. Their prices are almost the same of the other tea house. However, their prices are not inclusive of toppings. An additional topping costs PHP15-PHP25.
A usual that I get is the Chocolate Mousse with 100% sugar and normal ice (PHP85-Medium, PHP95-Large), Taro Pudding Milk Tea with the same specifics. I always add topping of pearls whenever I ordered a drink. It taste good and addicting; now I know why it's one of their best selling flavor. Also, Matcha Tea Latte is a green tea with latte underneath it. The taste is less sweet which I do prefer compared to Starbucks' green tea frappe. I think even without the latte the green tea would taste a bit bitter which for some people will pass the said drink. 
Taro Pudding Milk Tea
Global branches
Chocolate Mousse
RECOMMENDED!! I think Chatime offers one of the better tasting milk teas in town. They have a wide selection of drinks and you have the option to choose the amount of sugar and ice you want. 

They also had this electronic round mini frisbee-like disc (I don't know what it is called exactly) given to you while waiting for your drinks. It lights up and buzzes once your drinks are ready for pick-up at the counter. So no need to loiter around the counter. 
But what I loved about this store is their new IPAD menu! It shows all their drinks with fun facts about each drink. You can also see which add-ons are best for the drink. Just touch it and you'll see all the refreshing teas Chatime has to offer.
Once you get there, it is very relaxing despite the number of people going in and out of the store. Comfy and chic, it is fun and relaxed at the same time. Enjoy the bright purple and pink accents against the bright white interiors. Which almost girls like!! :) Sink into the lean back soft seats with your milk tea in hand. Definitely a cool place to hangout with your friends up until the weeee hours. I thinks it's also a good place to do a lot of planning and thinking here. And like what I always look for from all the other milk tea I've tried, and like what I've stated from my previous milk teas entry, I want the tea flavor intact! And here, you still get that yummy yummy tea taste!!
They're also selling cakes, breads, mini hamburgers and other staples such as the curry dog, french fries, and pepper salt chicken pops! You won't miss it for sure!
Pastries and Desserts
While I've compelled to keep trying the different milk teas out there, it doesn't hurt to have a favorite. I'll always be loyal to Chatime. 

Have you gone for your own Chatime yet?? I think this will be a place for me to hang out and enjoy the drinks from time to time...For those milk tea lover if you want to try this, check out their Website, like their Facebook Page or follow them on Twitter

August 19, 2012

Bittersweet Symphony

My life as I know it is evolving by the second. I can barely catch my breath chasing after every millisecond that passes my way. For what it's worth, this is a fresh start for me. On the other hand, it may mean my demise. 

In general, I can say that I'm physically strong all my life. You won't find me stationary for a long time. There's always something that I would do because if not I think I would die. I would be running around, meeting with friends, going to different places, etc.

For a while there, I thought I was sucked into the twilight zone...and then I opened my eyes. Of course, a computer screen with monochromatic window met my ever-so-fluttering eyes. :) Ooops, I'm work! Naa-ah! But, I'm home now, was just channeling the wonders of relay and beyond! Haha


Here's the thing, let's just straight to the point why I'm writing this entry.

It has always been a thought-provoking torment whenever I assess where I'm going in this madness thing call LIFE. At most times, I end up happy and contented with how I've seen things through different aspects, and I end my reverie with a smile and a breath of relief. Now, however, I am seemingly left dumbfounded at the thought of change starting to creep into my senses once again.

My day job, through which I came to know different things and characters, has come and GONE! Yeah, you read it right. I resigned!! It will take effect until this month. WHY?? Because, now, I'm back to my ultimate goal, to pursue what I have spent 4 years in college, career pursuance and growth, digging my half-read books, friends and pipe dreams - things I tossed in the compost heap in preparation for the so called grown-up life. Those meetings and trainings were bound to conclude, so much for waiting for time to cease all foggy madness and I am now facing HARDCORE FACTS.

But, of course, since we all know that life brings us a plethora of surprises "every each time", let me go for the gold by saying I have learned GARGANTUAN amount in those last months I spent as slave to life's effort to teach us the ropes with matters of unfairness.

The sudden urge of "change it up" or "starting over" has crept into me and sometime I am left confused...

Should I stay or should I go? Yes or No? Questions keep bugging my mind before I come into my decision. Me thinks this needs a surfeit of everything to be decided on. No spur-of-the-moment answers, I hope and I will come to the conclusion if and when I do. 

Right now I'm sad because I'll be leaving my team, my boss, and friends who loved, supported and be with...and so soon! :'( but with the thought that we will forever be in each other's hearts, I am slightly comforted. After all, the missing part of the situation will be the hardest to live with. So, a "see you, when I see you" is in session, and thank you to everyone! :D It doesn't matter what happened before, what matters is now.

I'm not all terrified of what is to come. I actually am excited. But when I really think of everything else in between, I plan nonstop and my panic button activated. Weird I am!! :P As much as I want to resolve my thoughts right here and right now, time could not be a better juror in my momentary query. So I guess my phone-in-questions have yet to be relayed in utmost delay and I shall await the no response until time heeds my call.

No matter how my life is hectic in uncanny ways, and topsy-turvy (in a good way, of course). Though life was somewhat this and somewhat that, I'm NOT COMPLAINING at all. In whatever way or form people may see how life makes an effort to make us learn what we need to epitomize in our beings I am in this for the long haul and I am holding tight until the end of the line. Who knows what will be up when I arrive? Only me and a few people will know. I don't know what else may happen in the next few days, but whatever it is, allow me to SMILE and finally put my panic button to rest. 


For whatever purpose I may responding to, I know I want this right now. So, I'll be a WARRIOR PRINCESS and be a SOLDIER in separate ordeals. As much as I would like to elaborate, I can only say that I pray for the best!!! :))


August 12, 2012

See ya Later, Not Goodbye!

I sat here for awhile trying to write this post. But, it isn't a goodbye post - because with real friends, there are no goodbyes, just see-you-laters.

From college till now with PETIX we have laughed, cried (from happiness of course), been to a lot of trip together and lived a lot of crazy moments.

However, all good things come to an end and on friday aug. 17, 2012 it's time to say goodbye....

But, don't be sad, cause this is not the end!! You can always meet your friends again, still organize trips together! Remember, life is about memories!! 

BON VOYAGE, Kat! No Goodbyes, only see you soon!!We will miss you!!  :)) 
"Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you. Until we meet again."

Always together, Never apart, Maybe in distance but never in Heart!!