September 23, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom!!

Dear Mom,

Surprise! Bet you didn't see this on my blog. :P You have been my biggest supporter since.....forever. You are the first to be excited about anything I'm doing. My mom is awesome. You might think I have to say that because she gave me life, but it's true...she really is awesome. Needless to say, I got some good genes. Hihihi (Don't worry, Dad. I love what I got from you, too.) But it's not just her looks that make her awesome, it's the love she shares. Her heart is bigger than big. Family means so much to her and it's something she's instilled in me, which I cannot thank her enough for. 

She's also a good mom, even though I'm all grown up. Although, let's be honest, do we ever stop needing our moms just because we become ourselves? NO. We need them more than ever as we get older. And I am glad that she is mine. There's not a thing I can't turn to her for, not a thing she wouldn't do for me. For that I am blessed. I am blessed to learn from the best.

Mom, THANK YOU over and over for everything you do and everything you are. Thank you for always having a homemade dinner on the table when we were growing up. Thank you for serving our family and church faithfully. Thank you for choosing Dad--who also serves diligently and tirelessly. You are both such remarkable people and I will forever be grateful for the blessing of having you as my parents.
Thank you for being supportive every step of the way as I have struggled and triumphed. Thank you for never making me feel the pressured in any big life decision I've made. I have always felt like you and dad have completely trusted me. That's one of the greatest gifts any parent can give a child.

Thank you for every sacrifice you've made on my behalf. Thank you for loving me through every tantrum (even though I don't believe that I could possibly throw fits!), every mood swings (What?!) hahaha and anything I ever did that caused you worry or concern or heartache. 

I LOVE YOU so much, Mom!!

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mom!!!! To the person who has been there for us through thick and thin, who never gets tired of taking care of us no matter what happens. WE LOVE YOU!!! :))

Love lotz, 
Cai :)

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