December 31, 2012

Girls wanna have fun!

Well, again I had a chance to go out again with my friends so this is always fun. Me and my friend Zackie meet first since we are the ones who came early. As usual, early birds! Hehe Since we're both hungry and haven't had dinner yet, we decided to go to Banchetto to eat. I missss it!!! Sooo many foods! Happy tummy again! :))

When our other friends came, we stroll in the tiangges located in Citywalk. I like so many things to buy however, "budget constraint". Need not to tempted. Then, have some picture picture with those human statues in Eastwood.
with Zackie, dinner @ Banchetto
with the Human statues @ Eastwood
Afterwards, we decide to have some drink at Graffiti. We order a tower of 'Sex on the Beach' with a mixed of vodka, cranberry juice and orange juice. Have a 'pulutan' of  nachos and cheese sticks. Little catching up and chikahans. 
@ Graffiti + Sex on the beach
Attendance!! Complete!! :) L-R: Me, Zackie, Ivern, Jen & Ate Aimee
This is how I spend my last friday of 2012. It's always a HAPPY HOUR with these people. Hanging out together with you guys is soo cool and fun! As I've said before, our gimmicks always keeps us young! Haha Does it mean I'm getting old?? Nah!! 

December 25, 2012

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Merry Christmas, One and all!
This Christmas has been so wonderful. As well as a delightful combination of busy and laid back. For me, December is always synonymous with Christmas. The holidays, the rush of excitement that comes from finding the perfect gift. How cozy I feel when I bundle up in my jacket, long sleeves, scarf and cardigans for the cold December breeze. :) Christmas is my favorite holiday, anyway. And Christmas time is my favorite time of year, too. 

Hey everybody! MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you out there!! Remember it is the season to be jolly Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la so forget all your problems and just have fun! :D If you are on a diet, forget it and just keep eating! Continue your diet next year! Enjoy all the foods that is being served on parties. If you wanna buy something, then buy it! Don't worry about the money for now. Just go buy stuff and gifts and be broke later. :P

If you are sad this Christmas because you are heartbroken or something, but I hope you're not! Listen to happy Christmas songs, add them in your playlist, so you could not get all lonely and then go spend time with your friends, special one and family. Go out with them if you want. They will always be by your side. It was quite a fun day. Especially considering it happened after a day spent running all over creation to do Christmas shopping. 
Hey, it's ME! Greeting all of you a

I am sooo grateful for everything! God knows exactly how I'm feeling blessed every single time as I myself couldn't measure and describe through words. My family, friends and all the people who stand by me, who have been faithful and true to me, ALL OF YOU COMPLETE ME!! :') I wish that you all be showered with love, wisdom, and prosperity this season! :))

But there it is, anyway. Proof that despite the fact that I'm still rushing around to bring Christmas together, I do indeed have Christmas spirit, cheer and goodwill. It is the time of the year to be happy and give gifts to the ones you love. So MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!! Be happy and smile!! :)) Let's remember the reason for this season. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAPA JESUS!! <3 May the blessings keep coming to us all. So let's all be happy this holiday season and just enjoy being with the ones we love. 

December 24, 2012

How to be Alone?

NOTE: This is not mine. This is written by Tanya Davis. I love it so much so I'm sharing it. Hope you'll get inspired too like me! :D
If you are first lonely, be patient.

If you've not been alone much, or when you were, you weren't okay with it, then just wait. You'll find it's fine to be alone once you're embracing it.

We can start with the acceptable places, the bathroom, the coffee shop, the library, where you can stall and read the paper, where you can get your caffeine fix and sit and stay there. Where you can browse the stacks and smell the book; you're not supposed to talk much anyway so it's safe there.

There is also the gym, if you're shy, you can hang out with yourself and mirrors, you can put headphones in. Then there's public transportation, because we all gotta go to places. And there's prayer and mediation, no one will think less if your hanging with your breath seeking peace and salvation.

Start simple. Things you may have previously avoided based on your avoid being alone principles.

The lunch counter, where you will be surrounded by "chow downers", employees who only have an hour and their spouses work across town, and they, like you, will be alone.

Resist the urge to hang out with your cell phone.

When you are comfortable with "eat, lunch and run", take yourself out for dinner; a restaurant with linen and silverware. You're no less an intriguing a person when you are eating solo dessert and cleaning the whip cream from the dish with your finger. In fact, some people at full tables will wish they were where you were.

Go to the movies where it's dark and soothing, alone in your seat amidst a fleeting community. 

And then take yourself out dancing, to a club where no one knows you, stand on the outside of the floor until the lights convince you more and more and the music shows you. Dance like no one's watching because they're probably not. And if they are, assume it is with best human intentions. The way bodies move genuinely to beats, is after-all, gorgeous and affecting. Dance until you're sweating. And beads of perspiration remind you of life's best things. Down your back, like a book of blessings. 

Go to the woods alone, and the trees and squirrels will watch for you. Go to an unfamiliar city, roam the streets, they are always statues to talk to, and benches made for sitting gives strangers a shared existence if only for a minute, and these moments can be so uplifting and the conversation you get in by sitting alone on benches, might of never happened had you not been there for yourself. 

Society is afraid of alone though. Like lonely hearts are wasting away in basements. Like people must have problems if after awhile nobody is dating them.

But lonely is a freedom that breathes easy and weightless, and lonely is healing if you make it.

You can stand swathed by groups and mobs or hands with your partner, look both further and farther in the endless quest for company.

But no one is in your head. And by the time you translate your thoughts an essence of them maybe lost or perhaps it is just kept. Perhaps in the interest of loving oneself, perhaps all those "sappy slogans" from pre-school over to high school groaning, we're tokens for holding the lonely at bay.

Cause if you're happy in your head, then solitude is blessed, and alone is okay.

It's okay if no one believes like you, all experiences unique, no one has the same synapses, can't think like you, for this be relived, keeps things interesting, life's magic things in reach, and it doesn't mean you aren't connected, and the community is not present, just take the perspective you get from being one person in one head and feel the effects of it. 

Take silence and respect it.

If you have an art that needs a practice, stop neglecting it, if your family doesn't get you or a religious sect is not meant for you, don't obsess about it.

You could be in an instant surrounded if you need it. If your heart is bleeding, make the best of it. There is heat in freezing, be a testament.

**Here's the video version of the poem. Please give yourself the 4-minute gift of watching this. :D**
Such a beautiful poem! Actually, I saw that a friend posted the video the other day on Facebook. I hit play in the hopes it might be interesting, but not thinking too much into it. Of course this film---this poem/poetry made visible and oh soo soothing and inspiring. I love this style of poetry, balance and simple! I've seen a few clips like this before but loved the theme and how she took something so common and more often than not despised by our culture like being alone, having the ME-time, and turned it into something that sounds kind of exciting. Adventurous even. That's the way these things work, right? They all come in good timing, or in bad. It all happens for a reason. I hope you enjoy it and it inspires you to think a little differently about how you write and communicate.

December 23, 2012


If it's Christmas in UST, I guess we are pertaining to Paskuhan alone. The annual UST PASKUHAN happened last friday December 21, 2012. UST is filled with people from different universities and parts of Metro Manila. All gathered in one place to celebrate Christmas the Thomasian Way! Paskuhan is one of the best event UST has to offer. It is well-proven to be one of the most awaited events of the students. This is the most awaited time of the year for UST students or not. Everyone gets excited to see the extravagant Christmas lights in the campus. :))

Paskuhan is one of the best events in the whole University Belt. Thousands of students are swarming over the campus. There could be an average of 15,000 to 20,000 people every year celebrating with UST. Other students from other schools are going too. There are tons of popular bands, singers and artists invited there to perform and give testimonials. There are various booths around the campus too with lots of goodies there. The FIREWORKS display. It is more like minutes of non-stop action up in the air. You really see grand fireworks display courtesy of UST.

When we arrived at UST, I was like, WTF! The line's soo loong!!! But then we had no choice but to line up. Then, when we were close to the entrance, the guards separated the females from males. Again, I was like O.o because we have to line up again! This means we'll be at the end of the line again!! But I think luck's on my side. Hihihi So after 3 or 5 minutes, we were able to get inside UST. There were soooo maaaaany people. This was already expected!! It was hot, crowded, no signal, and again, too many people. I had pasta, pizza and chicken for dinner. Thanks to Shakey's, one good thing that happened that night. With a massive crowd like this in one location, we have come in terms with the fact that network signals are seriously jammed. It's so hard to send and receive SMS nor do or receive calls.

The second good thing was I spent it with my college barkada! And last good or I mean the best thing.....none other than the FIREWORKS!!! UST fireworks are surely zeee best!! Seriously, I was like aww-ing and wow-ing. The most awaited attraction here are the bands and fireworks wherein students joke around and say that "Hey! There goes my tuition." Haha
L-R: Me, Bern, Jen and Ivern
L-R: Michael, Gaena and Me
With Gaena and Ivern
With Michael and Bern
Can I just say that UST did a good job in pranking us all? Like, seriously. Great, job guys! If you're not there, what happened was they kind of let us count to 1 and then some crappy fireworks display happened. And there's no sound so whatever and everyone was like asking for the sound and stuff and it ended quickly. Well, it's actually not that crappy but it was far from the usual UST fireworks display. So whatever!

And then we kind of faced in the front again. And the hosts announced something like, "The real Fireworks display!" The fireworks were beautiful, eye catching and most of all its colorful. The night sky was filled by beautiful lights of the fireworks. It was long and that's why my back neck was aching but it's worth it. Although it's not the greatest fireworks that UST has but that thing surprises me and I said "WOW!" because the combination of lights brings happiness to its viewers. The fireworks display took more than 5 minutes and whew the back neck ache is worth it. :) and these pictures happened.
The FIREWORKS DISPLAY!! Grab pic from my friend.
Some attend Paskuhan for them to watch the hottest bands as well as the fireworks. But for me, it's really the bonding that what makes me want to attend these kinds of events in UST. It's because I have the AWESOMEST FRIENDS in the world! They're the craziest, supportive and loving friends I have! Even, if we have our own problems, once we get to bond with each other, all our apprehensions are gone! We never ran out of stories to talk about. That's what I love about them. We have our OWN WORLD! AND OUR OWN WORLD ROCKS!
With my girl friends. L-R: Bern, Me, Gaena, Sha, Ivern & Jen
Of course that is the time that all of my friends to do some picture picture. My friends loves to camwhore and while where at some kind of event like this, flashes of camera are turning on and off. Even though the others are doing something, they will run to where the designated spot where we will pose. You know it's like we were destined to be friends because we love to take pictures! Haha! Corny, I say. :p
Pose! Pose! with Sha and Bern :)
Cam-whoring with Jen, Michael and Ivern 
After celebrating the Paskuhan, me and my bestie Sha, stay at Starbucks near UST in P. Noval street to spend the entire night! It was a long walk because we are first timers there so we don't know the exact location. Thanks to the security guards and the people we asked around the place! Some of our friends go first they still have things to do. So two of us had our GIRLS NIGHT OUT! Hahaha Funny!! it's only at Starbucks just to wait for the simbang gabi at UST and wait for sunrise and go home. I settled for a toffee nut frappe, and sit on a cozy portion of the store. We had soo much fun. I got home around 8am, nooo sleep yet and I still have to go to my granny's burial at 11am that day. Phew! It was really exhausting but it was worth it.

Back to the event, UST Paskuhan was really fantastic! Not because it is a gathering of friends, you know, some kind of feeling that you don't explain and that feeling brings total happiness. That is wicked awesome!! It was really tiring but it was a blast! I miss them so much! I'm looking forward for another trip with you guys! For now, 'tis the season to be jolly!! Happy Holidays!! :D

So what do you say? I guarantee you will never ever regret attending such an event like this. Being a part of this event, I'll say its worth to come in this event. I really had fun! Until, the next Paskuhan 2013! :))

December 19, 2012

Nifty Shoebox of Photographs!

Hey, guys!! How are you?? Long time no post again. I'm sooo sorry for not updating my dear blog just kinda busy preparing for my boards but now it's all done!! Yeehaa!! :)) Anyway. Yeah, I know, I know. And I bet you already know the reasons why so I need not to elaborate much. :P And I have tons of delays too with regards to my blogger post. 

So allow me to bombard you again with OVERLOAD of PHOTOS and catch a glimpse of my-so-called-not-so-humdrum-life so far with the help of my Instagram account: caireyes. Do add me if you have one. :D

Waaaarrnnniiiinnnnggg!!!! Photos overload!!!

**TGIF at Music21 with my friends and thanks to Ate Aimee for the treat! :D
**Stickers! Stickers! Spending time at Starbucks @ Bonifacio Global City
**Late lunch @ Max's.
**Duchess. #friends
**Because when we're together we don't really give a crap about calories @ Shakey's. 
**Woop. Woop. Eat Halo-Halo @ Razon's! 12.12.12
**It's all about the LIPS!! Soooo vain with my friend Rai. :D
**REVIEW DAYS!! Final Coaching. :D Block 3 - December 2012
**Last day!! Had mass at San Sebastian Church. Fly balloons for passing the boards. 
**After the 7 church visits for Divine Intervention. Rest and drink chilled Taho @ Mamang Taho.
**Coz' were experts in fooling around. :P
**Going back to my dear Alma Mater. Visit our beautiful and loved sis. Ana & dear professors. :)
There you have it. I realized that I miss blogging sooo much. Oh well! will compensate should I have the time. Just wait...I have tons of thoughts in my mind!! Hehe :)) Have a great day everyone and I'm missing all of you!! ^^,

November 27, 2012

Kick-ass Thursday!!

I met up with a few friends last Thursday, with my beloved officemates from Citibank, where I previously work. The usual---chill, eat, drink, catch-up, blah, blah. We meet at Eastwood, Eat dinner at Bigoli and had a little drinking session at Graffiti. As we were talking, I found myself smiling stupidly and looking somewhere unseeable. As much as I wanted to listen to the ramblings of my friends about life, my mind just flew to unreachable heights and made me remember a few situations of my ever-so-happy (er--) social life. Anyway...
I had a great time that evening because I had the chance to go out and spend some time to bond and chat with my Citibankers friends. At last, it's been push through! It really feels great to unwind and have some bonding together with your friends as you share some laughter, experiences, advices and all the girl talk and other stuffs. Love it!! :) This evening was a reminder that as hard as we all work, we must make time for friends, for shared food and drink, for gatherings, conversation and laughter, because over all, the entire journey is just too short, so enjoy life!! :))
Clockwise: Cris, Ivern, Mark, Ate Vicky, Me, Dane and Paula
I'm not really one for labels. I loved and appreciate all my friends. They're kind of crazy as well. :) It's when friends, food and drinks come together equals to one helluva fun night! ;) Me, I am lucky enough to have met  these crazy, wild, happy-go-lucky-very supportive friends. We may not see each other often but deep in our hearts the friendship and love we have for each other will always be there. 
I really enjoyed bonding with you all!! See you again soooon!! :)) All in all, I can say that the time of my off days are well spent. Thanks guuuuyyyss!! :D It was sooo fun! We laughed a lot and misses you all!! :))

Thursdate @ Nail Bar

Living in such a fast paced environment tends to make us feel tired and withered long before our time. I know inserting a pamper day on your busy schedule can be difficult, but I tell you, your body needs to relax. Love and pamper yourself  from time to time. Heal yourself!!

Nails are probably the least thing on my mind when I think about beauty and cosmetics. Although I know it's always in the back of my mind that I need to attend to it every so often. Before I would just settle for the typical salon and bear with the noisy and busy atmosphere of it. But lately, I have been tasteful and really trying to engage myself in my nail pampering processes. I make sure that the places I go to have accessible locations, tranquil surrounding, and skilled nail technicians and had more than nail grooming to offer. I mean, it's not so often that I care for my for those times that I do, I think I should give them the best. Don't you agree??

It's amazing how the hand and foot pampering services boomed in the country lately. Left and right you will see different salons offering manicure, pedicure, hand and foot spa services at competitive prices.

I will never survive without clean nails. It's too bad I can't clean them on my own. :( I don't usually go for the 'fancy-schmancy' nail treatments because for me, the effect is the same. And I really don't have the patience to wait forever to get my nails done.

Ever since, I've always tried on our village's most renowned "manicurista", Ate Lorie. She gave me best cuts. :) Until, when those Nail Spa and Salons popping out. :P

When I was invited by my friend to try out services at Nail Bar located at 2nd Street Mendiola, Manila. I didn't hesitate, I'm glad I did enjoyed every second in there. It's another nail pampering trip for me. A total treat!! :))

You know me, I have no qualms in trying out new stuff especially if I get to feature it on my blog. Me and my friends had a mani/pedi in their Mendiola branch and it was a total experience. Their services was great. For one, they have a very attentive and accommodating staff. Once we entered the store, they immediately accommodated us and gave us a seat and pillows. They were also very thorough and careful in cleaning, which is one of the things I am really keen on with nail salons. I was impressed at Nail Bar inviting ambiance. They have a nice ambiance which made us wanna sleep while waiting for them to be done. And, with their great service, I'm not surprise that a lot of people, especially students since it was near in the University Belt, were they have their nails done even on a weekday. It's not pricey, their services usually charge from 100-200 pesos for mani/pedi. Kudos to their team!!
L-R: Ivern, Me, Rai & Jen
I believe girls wouldn't mind going in since  like other famous nail salons it has a girly, pink, white and green interior. Their couches were huge and comfortable. The lighting was just right. I loved the pink and green uniform the staff members are wearing.
Got the pic from their Facebook page
All the methods done were the familiar mani/pedi. My nail tech, Ate Jessica, was really great in making sure it doesn't get scrubbed. The manicure started with soaking my nails in their small unique nail soaking dish. Then, with regular cleaning, removing my cuticle and then polish. I informed the staff not to remove my ingrown and side skin because most salons do that without asking. I was relieved to learn that they are not allowed to remove the ingrown. They only remove cuticle and dead skin cells.
They will give you an option to choose Essie, OPI, and Orly. The price depends on the type of brand of nail polish you'll choose. I was expecting 'Caronia' or 'Bobbie' but they had these....
I had Orly Nail Polish Blushing Bud shade on I was told it was their best seller.
Definitely! I'll recommend Nail Bar to all girls out there. It's a nice place to get your nails done and they have faster service like the other nail salons I've tried. The price is reasonable. They offer variety of services, like nail art, body massage, and a lot more that won't break your budget. For example, a nail art here starts at 150pesos only unlike other nail art salons that charges 300pesos or more. The products they use is also high quality. Once inside, the sense of tranquility kicks in leaving all worries behind. Below is the pricing and services they offered. 
Happy Hour Promo!
All in all I'm incredibly happy with my nails! I had a great day of pampering at Nail Bar with the girls. Living in a world full of stress. We should all find time to relax and decompress. Indulge your body!

So if ever you find yourself in need of a place to relax after a long day at the mall....or just the need to get away, visit Nail Bar, so I hope to see you there sooon!! Ooh! and try to bring a friend with you. Getting some nail pampering is the greatest when shared with a friend. Just the same I spend that day with my girlfriends. :) 

Do you do your own nails or have someone do it for you?? If you like to be treated your nails like a princess then try Nail Bar now! Now point your browsers to their Facebook Page and make your fingers and toes happy!! :D

Stay gorgeous everyone!